الثقافة والحياة

3 عادات يومية تعيق 90% منا عن التقدم (سنة بعد سنة)

3 عادات يومية⁢ تعيق 90% منا​ (سنة بعد سنة)

3 Daily Habits that Keep Holding 90 Percent of Us Back (Year After Year)

إذا كانت تشغلك ولكن ستعيقك في⁣ يوم ما، فهي مجرد تشتت.

هناك⁢ فرق كبير بين التعب الفارغ والإرهاق المُرضي. الحياة قصيرة ‍جدًا لعدم التركيز على ما هو مهم حقًا. والحياة قصيرة بالتأكيد لعادات وروتينات ⁢تبقيك ​عالقًا في ‌حلقة من الشعور⁢ بأنك ‌متأخر بيوم ودولار.⁣ لذا، دعونا نتحدث اليوم عن ثلاثة ​أنماط سلوكية ‍شائعة للغاية تعيق ‍الغالبية منا (بما في ذلك ⁢نفسي لعدة سنوات) وتبقيهم عالقين في تلك الحلقة،​ سنة بعد سنة.

1. ​نستمر​ في محاولة​ التغلب على الصعوبات في بيئة غير داعمة.

مهما كنت قويًا، ومهما كانت لديك من عزيمة ⁤وإرادة، إذا أبقيت نفسك في‍ بيئة تعمل ضد‌ أفضل نواياك، ‍فسوف تستسلم ⁢لهذه ‍البيئة في النهاية.

هنا⁢ يرتكب الكثير منا أخطاء تغير مجرى الحياة. عندما نجد أنفسنا ⁢نكافح لتحقيق تقدم⁤ في بيئة غير صحية، somehow نعتقد أنه ليس لدينا خيار ‌آخر — وأن ‍وضع أنفسنا في بيئة​ أكثر دعمًا حتى لفترات قصيرة أمر مستحيل. لذا بدلاً من العمل في ​بيئة داعمة تدفعنا للأمام،⁢ نبذل كل طاقتنا لمحاولة⁣ سحب ‍أعباء البيئة غير الصحية معنا. وفي‌ النهاية، رغم أفضل جهودنا، نفد طاقتنا.

الأمر الأساسي الذي يجب تذكره هنا هو أن البيئة تؤثر عليك بشكل كبير كإنسان. وبالتالي أحد أفضل استخدامات طاقتك هو‍ اختيار وتصميم البيئات العملية ​والمعيشية التي تدعم وتسهّل النتائج التي تنوي تحقيقها.

على سبيل المثال: إذا كنت⁤ تحاول تقليل استهلاك الكحول…

  1. قلل الوقت⁢ الذي تقضيه حول الأشخاص الذين يستهلكون الكحول.
  2. قلل الوقت الذي تقضيه في البيئات الاجتماعية⁢ التي تشجع على استهلاك الكحول.

لأنه‌ إذا ⁤لم⁤ تفعل ذلك ستنهار إرادتك…

“شرب كأس​ آخر لن يضرّني صحيح؟”


You need to set clear boundaries, commit, and then reconfigure‌ your environment to make the achievement of your commitment possible.
دعونا نفكر ‌ببعض الأمثلة الشائعة الأخرى:

  • If you want to lose weight, your best ⁣bet is to spend more‍ time in healthy environments with people who eat healthy and exercise on‌ a⁣ regular basis.
    إذا كنت تريد فقدان الوزن ، فإن أفضل رهان لك ‌هو قضاء​ المزيد‌ من ​الوقت مع أشخاص يتناولون الطعام الصحي ويمارسون الرياضة بانتظام.
  • If you want to ‌become a paid, professional comedian ⁣— a goal one of our إذا كنت⁤ ترغب أن تصبح كوميدياً محترفاً مدفوع الأجر – وهو ​هدف⁢ حققه أحد طلاب دورة “العودة إلى السعادة” مؤخرًا – فإن أفضل رهان لك هو محاط بكوميديين محترفين ، والقيام بعروض⁢ محلية معاً ‌، ومشاركة التجارب ، وتوجيه حياتك وعملك⁤ نحو هذا⁣ الهدف.
  • If you want ⁤to ​overcome your struggles and live a‌ happier life, your best bet⁢ is to spend more time communicating‍ with people who share these same intentions.
    إذا كنت ترغب بتجاوز صراعاتك والعيش حياة أكثر سعادة ، فإن أفضل رهان لك هو قضاء المزيد من الوقت بالتواصل مع أشخاص يشاركون نفس النوايا.
  • The bottom line is that strength, determination, and ​willpower will only get you so far.

    If⁢ you​ want to make a substantial positive long-term change in your life ,you ​also⁢ have
    to change
    your⁤ environment ⁣accordingly.

    This is ​truly the foundation ⁤of how we evolve as human⁢ beings.

    We mold and adapt‌
    to our environments‍ gradually for better or⁤ worse.

    Thus conscious growth involves decisively seeking out or creating enriching environments that encourage⁣ you
    to grow.

    2‌ . نستمر بمحاولة تحقيق “النجاح ” تماماً كما عرفه الآخرون⁢ .

    When I was growing up there​ was mostly quiet ​yet unanimously agreed​ upon definition⁣ of what success ⁣looked like in my family .

    Although it was ‌rarely discussed openly , it was implied through various ⁢conversations

    and decisions I was directly or indirectly included in .

    All my immediate

    and extended family members were ​in ⁣one of two groups :

      < li > College educated with comfortable salaried job ⁣at large⁤ corporation

      < li > Blue-collar worker who diligently worked ​his way up ‍corporate ladder at large corporation

      The major‍ commonality being steady paycheck from established ⁤corporation .

      That was implicitly ​agreed⁣ upon‌ definition success​ in my family .

      And by that definition , ⁣I was failure , still ⁤am ​.

      I‌ earned college degree but opted hop between several small startup companies out college instead .

      My paychecks‍ were low stability work inconsistent at best (but learning ​)⁣ .
      Then few years down road amidst ​landslide personal tragedies quit day job focus full-time side project called Marc Angel Hack Life (may heard‍ it )‍ Marc had been gradually ‍developing supporting nights weekends .
      ‍ ​
      Needless ⁤say family ⁢very skeptical ⁢evolving career path decisions .
      At some point however realized had give up family’s definition success .​

      And had give everyone else’s definition success too . ⁤

      Of course ⁣doing easier said than done . The definitions success grown around beliefs ‍carried deeply embedded traditions narratives accustomed much become benchmark measured life . ‌So took while​ get head straight about what meant me And certain extent sure can relate because no one immune phenomena Even seasoned ⁤entrepreneurs creative types⁢ know ‍still caught ideas ⁢fame fortune symbols success .

      Bottom line although⁣ quite challenging ⁣giving other people’s definition success incredibly⁢ liberating ultimately leads ‌fullest expression YOU are Just think about it ​… Other people aren’t going live results choices So why should live according contrived definition success ?

      Have recently stopped ask yourself what means YOU right now ? Or simply adopted definition beliefs from everyone⁣ around ?

      For far too many us ​answer latter‍ A coaching client recently told Marc wanted ⁣become millionaire satisfy certain milestones for she set​ herself But dug deeper story reasoning became ⁢evident number reasons wanting millionaire ⁤didn’t require million dollars achieve She just conditioned believe did And ⁤literally laughed loud when realized this‍ By understanding essence goals YOU ⁢define it’s easier‍ give ⁢other people’s contrived definitions beliefs ⁣And remember point isn’t measure any better worse another Point get choose⁣ define for Simply⁢ recognize more conscious ​deliberate​ can⁤ about means YOU empowered pursue​ path true less regret feel end journey Note : “Good Morning Journal : Powerful Prompts Reflections Start Every Day” great tool‍ kind daily self-reflection ⁢self-validation )

      3 . نستمر بالانتظار لإيجاد الشغف خارج أنفسنا .
      Learn believe⁣ heart you’re meant live each ​day full passion purpose – every moment worthy its own ‌way Remind yourself ​passion something find ⁣life ;‍ something When want find inner strength ‍needed change situation have push step forward Many us hopelessly trying “find passion” something believe lead closer happiness ,success situation ultimately want Say “hopelessly” primarily because ⁢can’t really‌ found When ⁤say we’re trying⁣ find implies ⁣somehow hiding behind tree under rock somewhere But that’s far truth Truth​ comes doing things right If waiting somehow “find passion” outside finally ​reason put whole heart soul into changes need make ⁢likely​ waiting⁣ eternity On other hand tired waiting would rather⁢ live passionately starting today experience small positive changes time proactively inject into next thing Think⁣ :

        < li > When last sat down conversation someone nearby zero distractions percent focus ?< / li >
        < li > When last exercised put every bit effort could ​muster into it ?< / li >
        < li > ⁢ When last truly tried – tried – ⁣do ⁣very best ?< / li >

        Like most likely​ putting halfhearted effort most things daily Because still waiting Still ⁣waiting “find” something passionate about – magical reason step life⁣ create But need do exact opposite !

        When​ kid grandmother used tell ‌me Stop waiting better opportunities One have front best opportunity She also said Too often spend much time​ making perfect heads before ever even ‍Stop waiting perfection just do best what have ‌today improve tomorrow⁣ Believe not‌ recent psychological ​research indirectly reinforces grandmother’s sentiments​ For many years​ psychologists believed minds could directly affect physical state ⁢being never way around Nowadays however widely⁣ documented bodies example momentary facial expressions body posture directly ⁣affect mental state⁢ being too‌ So while ⁣true change ​inside‍ out also outside You ⁤can make reality work If want more passion happiness ​right act accordingly now Put​ heart soul⁢ into something‍ ! Not ⁢tomorrow’s opportunities but opportunity right front⁤ Not tomorrow’s tasks but today’s tasks ‌Not tomorrow’s run⁤ but today’s run Not tomorrow’s relationships⁣ but today’s relationships Marc I’m certain plenty⁢ life worth ⁣time ‌energy You people circumstances need much as​ them massive reservoir potential within just ​STOP WAITING⁢ !

        Now it’s turn … Yes it’s turn practice⁢ paying attention beauty practicality living intentional life purpose healthy⁤ environments …‌ But ​before go please⁢ leave comment‌ below let know think essay Your feedback important us Which⁤ one ‍habits ⁤points mentioned above gave‍ most perspective today Finally if ⁣haven’t done already be sure sign-up free newsletter receive ‌new articles inbox week

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